Topic: STOP

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
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Netherlands, Netherlands
Posted 02 Oct 2006

Shahrukh Khan

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Netherlands, Netherlands
Posted 02 Oct 2006

Shahrukh Khan

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Netherlands, Netherlands
maine bhi ana hai
Posted 02 Oct 2006

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
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Netherlands, Netherlands
main bhi
Posted 02 Oct 2006

Shahrukh Khan

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Netherlands, Netherlands
Posted 02 Oct 2006

Shahrukh Khan

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Netherlands, Netherlands

Posted 02 Oct 2006

Shahrukh Khan

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Netherlands, Netherlands
Posted 02 Oct 2006

Shahrukh Khan

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Netherlands, Netherlands
ashmit amisha ka real bro hai
Posted 02 Oct 2006

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
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Netherlands, Netherlands
not only hindu name
Posted 01 Oct 2006

Topic: Funny dream

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
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Netherlands, Netherlands
Posted 01 Oct 2006

Shahrukh Khan

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Netherlands, Netherlands
Posted 01 Oct 2006

Shahrukh Khan

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Netherlands, Netherlands
Posted 01 Oct 2006

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
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Netherlands, Netherlands
ki waja hoying
Posted 01 Oct 2006

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
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Netherlands, Netherlands
Posted 01 Oct 2006

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
7963 days old here
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Netherlands, Netherlands
Fasting of Snails

Snails are small, snail-like gastropod mollusks. Some live in water, others on land. They have a slow-moving elongated body with a shell to protect them from danger.

Ground snails prefer damp areas. They bury themselves under the surface layer of the earth during broad daylight and become active at night and on cloudy days. They do so to avoid the heat and light of the sun so that their skin won't dry.

Snails get their nutrition from plants and from organic substances in the soil. They are so greedy while eating that their bodies acquire extra fat.

Where winters are cold, snails hibernate like many other animals, fasting through the cold weather. But they also fast in hot weather.

Almighty Allah has provided theses creatures with the ability to secrete a mucus cover for themselves to protect their bodies from drying out. During hot, dry periods, snails are threatened with dehydration. So they seal themselves off with a parchment like membrane, and often attach themselves to tree trunks, fences or walls. During this time they fast until cooler, wetter weather comes. Both males and females do this.

When the cooler weather comes, snails come out of their shelters to seek their nutrition, declaring the end of their fast. At that time they have lost their extra fat and returned to their vitality.

Almighty Allah gives His slaves many examples of the variety of life and proofs of the oneness of the
Posted 01 Oct 2006

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
7963 days old here
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Netherlands, Netherlands
Fasting of Salmon

The aquatic environment introduces to us various patterns of fish species that fast. Here we present the fasting of the red salmon whose natural fasting is considered one of Allah's signs and an image of the wondrous biological diversity.

In the early stages of life, these species inhabit fresh water. Before long they migrate to salt water in the seas and oceans.

Characteristically, red salmon spend one part of their life, extending from about four to seven years, in the high seas. When they are about to mature sexually and prepare to reproduce, they gather together in the ocean via an arduous journey of from four to five thousand kilometers. Afterwards, each species heads for its native land, and they continue their journey to reach the mouth of the river in which they were hatched.

Wonderfully, these fish start their fasting as soon as they leave salt water swimming to fresh water. This journey lasts for several months. Obviously, they make use of the sensitive feeling generated by the long period of fasting to recognize the proper location. Each fish swims upstream in the river in which it was hatched to reproduce in the same place from which it originated. When they are guided to the fitting place, the salmon start to dig holes for eggs. Generally speaking, both parents share in this work. The females lay eggs, then the males cover them with their sperm to fertilize them externally, as is the case with most great fish.

Following this process, the females are motivated by instinct to cover the eggs with an appropriate layer of soil from the riverbed. They stay behind the eggs until they incubate and the young red salmon come out of their holes and shake off their dust. Both parents cast a final look on the young and realize that they have successfully concluded their mission. Then they pass away in a state of fasting in the same location, leaving behind a new generation of the young that prepare themselves for another cycle of suffering that is experienced by all creatures. When those young grow up and become sexually mature, they will start their fasting and then pass away in a state of fasting in their and their fathers' birthplace.
Posted 01 Oct 2006

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
7963 days old here
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Netherlands, Netherlands
Fasting of Ground Squirrels

There are many types of squirrels in the world. Some live in trees, while others live in underground burrows. The ground squirrels fast for days at a time in winter.

Squirrels are vegetarian animals. Squirrels that live in places with cold winters are very active in the autumn. They gather nuts, pinecones, and seeds and hide them in various places to eat during the winter.

While tree squirrels do not hibernate, ground squirrels do. Their length of hibernation depends on where they live. In some areas they may remain dormant as long as eight months of the year. During hibernation, they are in a state of near suspended animation. Their heart rate slows to only a fraction of its normal rate, and they might breathe only once every couple of minutes. However, they wake up for a short period every four or five days to eat from their stored food.

When the warm weather begins in spring, the squirrels become fully awake and active. They happily seek fresh provision that Allah has provided them.
Posted 01 Oct 2006

Topic: Funny dream

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
7963 days old here
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Netherlands, Netherlands
Posted 01 Oct 2006

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
7963 days old here
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Netherlands, Netherlands
Bad Breath while Ramadhan Fasting - A Common Problem

During the holy month of Ramadhan, Muslims all over the world will be fasting. One of the most common complaints during fasting is the bad breath that people experience. This condition, in medical terms, is called halitosis. What causes bad breath and how can it be prevented?

Causes of bad breath can be broadly classified into local causes and systemic causes. Causative factors within the mouth are termed local causes. Causes due to factors or diseases of the body, such as diabetes, smoking, kidney disease and stomach upset are known as systemic causes. We will be limiting our discussion to local causes only.

Local Causes: Within the human mouth there are numerous kinds of bacteria, which, as by-products, give out sulphides and ammonia which are the main causes of bad breath. Hence the amount of bacteria has to be controlled, and conditions that cause them to thrive have to be eliminated.

These factors are:

Poor oral hygiene caused by not brushing or improper tooth brushing technique.
A dirty tongue.
Cavities in the teeth.
Gum disease caused by plaque and tartar.
Dirty dentures, false teeth and other fixed appliances in the mouth.
After having identified the causes, we can now deal with how to prevent bad breath, especially while fasting:

Brushing one's teeth after every meal, preferably early morning (at Sehri time).
Flossing one's teeth which mean cleaning between the teeth using special thread called dental floss. Use of toothpicks is not advisable for this purpose.
Use of a tongue or using a toothbrush to clean the tongue.
Use of an anti-bacterial mouthwash. A non-alcoholic mouthwash should be used as alcohol causes a dry mouth which can aggravate the problem.
Cavities in the teeth should be filled promptly to prevent food accumulation within them.
Removal of tartar on teeth by a dentist at least once every six months.
Drink at least 2-3 glasses of water at Sehri time.
A bad stomach can also cause bad breath so one would have to check on his diet during the holy month of Ramadhan to prevent a stomach upset and halitosis.

Foul-smelling mouths are offensive to other people therefore it is important to spend some time and follow the simple precautions and methods mentioned to prevent this problem.

Islam urges its followers to be clean, decent, and pleasant in their appearance and smell. In this respect, you can have a mouth wash and gargle it but be careful not to allow the water goes into your stomach as best as you can. During the Holy Prophet's lifetime, he (pbuh) and his Companions used to have Siwak (Miswak or Tooth stick) to keep their mouth fresh and clean.

Many people avoid brushing their teeth during the day in Ramadhan. This is a mistake, since there is no contradiction between observing the fast during Ramadhan and brushing one's teeth. Moreover, Holy Prophet (pbuh) said: "Were it not for the hardship that I would be placing upon my people, I would have ordered them to engage in Siwak for every prayer." [Sahih al-Bukhari (887) and Sahih Muslim (252)]

We must understand that the word "Siwak" does not just refer to the tree branches that are used as tooth sticks, but to the act of brushing the teeth itself. It is derived from the verb sak, meaning to rub, clean, buff, or polish.

So, we should keep our mouth and body clean and free of any bad or horrible smell, especially when you are working with a non-Muslim who may accuse Islam or insult Muslims because of Ramadhan fasting. Allah says: "Keep you duty to Allah as far as you can." (Holy Quran 64:16)

Note: Some people assume that brushing the teeth while Ramadhan fasting is discouraged on the basis of the hadith where the Holy Prophet (pbuh) said: "I swear by Him in whose hand is my soul, the Khaluf of a fasting person is more pleasant to Allah than the scent of musk." [Sahih al-Bukhari (1893) and Sahih Muslim (1151)]

The assumption that this hadith discourages brushing one's teeth while fasting is incorrect. Because the Khaluf is the smell that comes from the stomach when it is empty of food and is not a smell emanating from the mouth.
Posted 01 Oct 2006

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
7963 days old here
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Netherlands, Netherlands
chall nick badlo
Posted 01 Oct 2006

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
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Netherlands, Netherlands
Posted 01 Oct 2006

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
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Netherlands, Netherlands





Posted 01 Oct 2006

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
7963 days old here
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Netherlands, Netherlands
very nice more
Posted 01 Oct 2006

Topic: Must listen

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
7963 days old here
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Netherlands, Netherlands
ajeeb sa song sense of video
Posted 01 Oct 2006

Topic: Bollywood

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
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Netherlands, Netherlands
1. anupam kher
Posted 01 Oct 2006

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
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Netherlands, Netherlands
kamal ki tang hi tor di Congratss on your 27000 posts
Posted 01 Oct 2006

Topic: john elia

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
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Netherlands, Netherlands
kya kehna hai
Posted 01 Oct 2006

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
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Netherlands, Netherlands
queenu aaj nick badli hai..kal kya hoga
Posted 01 Oct 2006

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
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Netherlands, Netherlands
QUEENU ab yeh dosti khatam karo..dekh more nice girl
Posted 01 Oct 2006

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
7963 days old here
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Netherlands, Netherlands
Posted 30 Sep 2006